Success Stories

See how our filmmaking school helped others just like you!

Filmmaking School - Award Winning Films for Actor Directors

How an Actress Wrote, Directed & Produced an Award Winning Film that she was the Star of...

It started out as a thriller, because that is what she thought would be the most interesting to viewers. Then one day Pauline raised her hand in class and shared how something was feeling off.

She explained her story concept and it did have appeal, but she wasn’t feeling right about it. She started looking deeper into why she was writing it and as she dug in something else grabbed hold of her.

This wasn’t a scary, creepy, psychological thriller… it was a love story. Instead of judging the feeling or making it wrong she trusted the process and allowed her characters to show her the way.

Pauline’s very first film “Through the Pain” won over 20 awards when it premiered – including best film, best screenplay, best actress – and the list goes on. In every festival it made an impact!

Great storytelling, great films and great performances don’t just happen by following formulas. They come from the heart. They are a part of us and with them we share something of ourselves.

In Breakthrough Film School we don’t care how much experience you have. We care about your passion, your desire and your courage to share a vision that impacts people. We care about your story.

So who’s story are you telling? Make sure it’s yours!

Are you the one of the next success stories?

free movie script starter kit

The Ultimate Movie Script Kickstarter Kit

These are the same high quality materials that are responsible for helping over 100 of my clients make films and write scripts that opened doors in the film industry. Many of these clients are now making or working on major TV Series and Films.