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free movie script starter kit

The Ultimate Movie Script Kickstarter Kit

These are the same high quality materials that are responsible for helping over 100 of my clients write a script and make a movie that opened doors in the film industry. Many of these clients are now making or working on major TV Series and Films.

Simply follow the guided process and it will help you start reaching those kinds of milestones in your own film career.

Where should I send your FREE Movie Script Kickstarter Kit?
The Ultimate Movie Script Kickstarter Kit

Your Starter Kit Includes:

The Dynamic Character Creation Checklist

With these series of questions you'll be able to create compelling characters with a powerful story arc

The High Concept
Idea Builder

Every great story idea must be formulated into a concept that can be effectively pitched and understood

The Stand-Out Story Development System

All story has structure, but it is best if it is invisible to the audience - this will help you accomplish that

The Ultimate Movie Script Kickstarter Kit

This Movie Script Starter Kit will make sure you...

Safely sidestep the single biggest mistake most people make when developing a new story

Find out what makes a character memorable for the audience and why they care about them

Simplify your process when creating a new idea so you can pitch it to producers like a pro

Create an invisible story structure that surprises the audience and emotionally impacts them

Include the secret ingredient that you’ve probably unknowingly left out of your stories — until now

Where should I send your FREE Movie Script Starter Kit?

free movie script starter kit

The Ultimate Movie Script Kickstarter Kit

These are the same high quality materials that are responsible for helping over 100 of my clients make films and write scripts that opened doors in the film industry. Many of these clients are now making or working on major TV Series and Films.