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Join one of the Best Film Schools for Filmmaking, Script Writing, Acting & Film Production

Join one of the best film schools out there; Breakthrough Film School. You'll learn filmmaking, script writing & how to be an actor. Start producing movies now.

Brandon Colby Cook

Join one of the best film schools out there; Breakthrough Film School. You'll learn filmmaking, script writing & how to be an actor. Start producing movies now.

Breakthrough Film School

I believe anything that truly matters to you must be taken into your own hands

I remember what it’s like to feel like everything I wanted was so far away and having no idea how I would get there. I remember people telling me how the odds were against me and I know what it’s like to shrug off the discouragement.

But cut to today — I’ve learned the secrets and cracked the code to career success at a professional level. I’ve coached hundreds of artists at various stages of their careers, many of them just like you, and I’ve helped them achieve substantial careers in the film industry as well.

And not only have I done it for myself and countless others… I can do it for you too.

At first I didn’t have anyone who believed in me and it was really hard going at it alone. The game changed when a mentor finally saw my potential and took me under their wing. With them, my film career and my belief in myself skyrocketed. 

It meant so much to me! I want to help do the same for you.

Ready to get started?

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1 %
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1 %
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1 +

Develop the Confidence to Create Your Own Film Career

Most people feel like a meaningful film career is unattainable with so much out of their control. At Breakthrough Film School we help you write a script or make a movie that puts you in the driver’s seat so you’re confident in your ability to bring your vision to life and not just rely on the hope that maybe it will work out one day.

Is Breakthrough Film School for you?

At Breakthrough Film School we know you are the kind of artist who wants to be a leader in the film industry. To be that way you need guidance and mentorship as you get real-world experience making your visionary projects come to life.

The problem is that can be difficult to figure out how to do all on your own and this creates feelings of overwhelm and self-doubt. We believe there is no need for confusion or fear to stand in the way of the film career you truly want to create for yourself.

We understand what it’s like to not know where to start or what the next step to take is. It’s frustrating. That’s why we created an easy-to-follow, direct mentorship system to help you take charge of your film career in the real world so you get results that count.

Here’s how it works. First, you’ll do a personalized strategy session entirely for free. From there, you’ll get the clarity and guidance you need to carve out a meaningful path in the film industry. Then, you’ll develop the skills to supercharge your creative career.

So set up a free strategy session to get clear on what you need to do to stop feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your future in the film industry. Instead, you can be the one who creates the movies, stories and performances that are admired.

free movie script starter kit

The Ultimate Movie Script Kickstarter Kit

These are the same high quality materials that are responsible for helping over 100 of my clients make films and write scripts that opened doors in the film industry. Many of these clients are now making or working on major TV Series and Films.